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What we want

Our vision

A renewable future where power is shared fairly, our homes and communities are powered with clean, affordable energy and there are thousands of well-paid, secure jobs.

Together we can

With the right policies and investment, we can ensure that everyone can share in the benefits, jobs and opportunities of our clean energy future - now and for generations to come.

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Repower homes, transport & communities

with solar, wind and batteries and increased energy efficiency to protect our health and cut energy bills for good.

Imagine a future where every Australian enjoys a home powered by renewable energy, with affordable transport, schools and hospitals all running on clean energy.

This vision is within reach. Almost one-third of Australian households already have solar panels and many more are making the switch to energy-efficient appliances, electric heating and cooking.

But right now, too many people in regional Australia, low and middle-income earners, renters, and marginalised communities are missing out.

We need to support every possible home to install solar energy and switch to efficient electric appliances, prioritising low-income and rental homes while repowering community infrastructure with renewable electricity.

Want more?

See our plan to cut household energy bills for everyone, food good.

Repower homes, transport & communities icon Repower homes, transport & communities examples

Build the power grid we need

with large-scale wind and solar supported by clean storage. The right renewables in the right places, while protecting nature and guaranteeing local benefits.

Powering the nation with 100 per cent renewable energy will require a mix of large-scale and smaller-scale wind, solar and hydro energy, backed up with battery storage that can secure our energy supply - even at night. Strategically placed renewable projects will provide a steady, reliable supply of home-grown energy for homes, businesses, and new industries right across the nation.

To fully realise this potential, we need to work with regional and First Nations communities, to ensure that benefits are realised and shared with everyone.

Done right, this will create safe, secure jobs, using Australian-made products, provide real opportunities for local communities to have their say in project planning and protect nature.

Repower homes, transport & communities icon Repower homes, transport & communities examples

Resource people & communities

to better prepare, adapt and respond to the impact of more frequent, severe weather like heatwaves, floods, droughts, cyclones and bushfires.

Every year, thousands of Australians are forced from their homes and communities due to fires, floods and heatwaves.

We need to rethink how we prepare for and handle extreme weather to ensure our homes, communities and workplaces are better equipped to plan for, adapt to and recover from future disasters.

We can start by preparing community facilities like hospitals and aged care centres to provide safe shelter in emergencies; we need better laws to protect the workers who keep us safe and support to better prepare our homes and communities for extreme events.

By taking these steps, we can make our homes and communities safer and more secure, and ensure we are better equipped to handle future extreme weather.

Repower homes, transport & communities icon Repower homes, transport & communities examples

Secure Australian manufacturing & industry

by seizing the opportunities to make and sell things the world needs, like green iron and aluminium, creating thousands of new jobs and embracing the circular economy.

Australia has advantages the rest of the world doesn’t. By utilising our skilled workforce, rich resources and industrial expertise, along with our abundance of free sunshine and wind we could secure and build our onshore industries - to make things the world needs, instead of just digging and shipping our resources overseas.

Instead of just mining and exporting the raw materials, we can use renewable energy to manufacture high-quality products the world needs and wants like green iron, aluminium, hydrogen, and tech components right here.

This shift will create secure, well-paid jobs across our cities and regions and reduce our contribution to global climate pollution.

By investing in Renewable Energy Industrial Precincts and supporting local industries while respecting robust environmental safeguards, Australia can drive innovation and secure a prosperous, sustainable future.
